Skinny Egg Nog
Like many people, for years, come the start of December, I’d eye up an egg nog recipe or two trying to decide which one I was going to try that year, remembering the string of failures and disappointments stretching back into the past. Knowing that I’d probably revert to the tried and true chilled carton ones from the supermarket, with my “foodiness” reduced to the yearly debate over which brand was best.
Well, not no more.
Having become a Weight Watchers for Men member during 2013 meant that for Christmas 2013 I really had to think outside the box in looking for egg nog recipes unless I wanted to be reduced to enjoying a tablespoon or two of it now and then, ’cause some glasses of egg nog can have as many calories as a burger and fries. Google found me some recipes that used sugar-free pudding mix as the thickener for the nog, which was exactly the key I needed to unlock in my mind how I was going to do this without having to simmer corn starch bases all the time. Which exactly no one has time for at Christmas. So I took that idea and ran with it.
Granted, I know there are different schools of thought about how an egg nog should be, but in the thick, creamy and spicy school of thought, I came up with what I personally feel is the best all-time ever egg nog recipe in that category.
And the Christmas miracle bonus is, depending on what store brand you compare this to, that it has up to 50% fewer calories (109 calories per 250 ml / 8 oz, compared to 150 to 250 calories for the same of many store bought ones.) Not that you need to tell anyone, or that they will care. This nog stands on its own sensational merits.
It’s dead easy to make, with just enough effort for you to truly feel as though you have concocted a seasonal specialty treat.
Anyhoo, here’s the recipe, it’s over on cooksinfo.com: Skinny Thick Egg Nog.
Feel free to take the recipe, run with it, and make it your own.

Best damn egg nog I ever made
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